Christmas stamps  

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Christmas stamps

Christmas Island is located in the Indian Ocean, to the northwest of Australia and to the east of the Cocos Islands.

Before 1958, the stamps used in the island were generally those of the country of attachment: Settlements of the Straits before 1942, Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945 then British military administration of Malaysia until 194...

Christmas Island is located in the Indian Ocean, to the northwest of Australia and to the east of the Cocos Islands.

Before 1958, the stamps used in the island were generally those of the country of attachment: Settlements of the Straits before 1942, Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945 then British military administration of Malaysia until 1948 and finally Singapore until 1958.

Stamps Christmas 1979

In 1958, Christmas Island became dependence of Australia and at the same time began its own issue of stamps. The first series used was the Australian stamps representing Elizabeth II with the "Christmas Island" surcharge.

Subsequently, this country issued many thematic series on the marine world.

Stamps Christmas

Jennifer Toombes' drawings on Christmas were the theme of the first souvenir sheet in 1980.
