South Africa stamps  

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South Africa stamps

South Africa is a country occupying the extreme south of the African continent and bordering with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.

South Africa was a British colony formed in 1910 by the reunion of four colonies (including Natal and Transvaal). The first stamps were issued from this date.

The first stamp represents George V.

Premier timbre d'Afrique du Sud 1910

In 1961,...

South Africa is a country occupying the extreme south of the African continent and bordering with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.

South Africa was a British colony formed in 1910 by the reunion of four colonies (including Natal and Transvaal). The first stamps were issued from this date.

The first stamp represents George V.

Premier timbre d'Afrique du Sud 1910

In 1961, a referendum established the South African Republic separated from the Commonwealth. The first stamps of the Republic are titled "Republic of South Africa" then "RSA" from 1967. From 1997, the name of "South Africa" appears on the stamps.

Paintings from different landscapes of South Africa (1978) :

Timbres d'Afrique du Sud de 1978

South African raptors (1998) :

Timbres d'Afrique du Sud représentant des rapaces africains de 1998

The apartheid policy led, from the 1970s, to the creation of Bantustans (territories destined to become independent in order to remove all South African citizenship from black populations), in particular Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, Transkei and Venda. The stamps issued by these entities are grouped into different sub-sections.
