Eritrea is a country in East Africa, bordered by the Red Sea and mainly surrounded by Sudan and Ethiopia. Former British colony, British forces used, between 1942 and 1948, British stamps overloaded. From 1952, Ethiopian stamps were used until independence in 1991. Since 1993, Eritrea has issued its own stamps. The first series fo...
Eritrea is a country in East Africa, bordered by the Red Sea and mainly surrounded by Sudan and Ethiopia. Former British colony, British forces used, between 1942 and 1948, British stamps overloaded. From 1952, Ethiopian stamps were used until independence in 1991. Since 1993, Eritrea has issued its own stamps. The first series focus on the referendum on self-determination and the Eritrean flag. This series issued in 2000, represents the national flag as well as various local symbols. The first two souvenir sheets were issued in 1996 for the Atlanta Olympics.