Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Angola of the year 1991 (Nb 828/831).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of the year 2005 about dogs or cats (Nb 1071/1074).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua of the year 2005 on dogs (Nb 3607/3610).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Antigua of the year 2005 on dogs (Nb BF600).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Australian Antarctic Territory of the year 1994 about dogs (Nb 98/101).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of the year 1997 about dogs or cats (Nb 956/959).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Belarus of the year 2017 on dogs (Nb 987/990).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Belgium of the year 1957 (Nb 1030/1031).
Azur Philatélie offers you this booklet of Belgium of the year 2014 (Nb C4363).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Bhutan of the year 1973 (Nb BF52).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Bhutan of the year 1973 (Nb BF52ND).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Bulgaria of the year 2015 about dogs (Nb BF 332).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Canada of the year 1988 (Nb 1058/1061).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Central African Republic of the year 1999 about dogs (Nb BF170).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2001 about dogs (Nb 1769/1774).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2012 (Nb 2356/2359).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2013 (Nb 2850/2853).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2015 (Nb 3725/3728).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2016 (Nb 4344/4347).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Central African Republic of the year 2018 (Nb 5743/5746).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Christmas Island of the year 1994 about dogs (Nb BF15).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of the Democratic Republic of Congo ( of the year 2006 about various sciences (Nb 1737/1740).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Cyprus of the year 2005 (Nb 1069/1072).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Djibouti of the year 2016 (Nb 1047/1050).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Djibouti of the year 2017 (Nb 1480/1483).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Djibouti of the year 2018 (Nb 1876/1879).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Equatorial Guinea of the year 1977 (Nb 101 et PA85).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Faroe Islands of the year 1994 (Nb 258/259).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Faroe Islands of the year 1994 about dogs (Nb 258/259 et carnet).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Finland of the year 2005 (Nb 1712).