Azur Philatélie vous propose ce timbre de l'Allemagne occidentale (RFA) de l'année 1956 sur la musique (No 108).
Azur Philatélie vous propose cette série de timbres de l'Allemagne occidentale (RFA) de l'année 1965 1 (No 350/351).
Azur Philatélie vous propose cette série de timbres de l'Allemagne occidentale (RFA) de l'année 1971 sur des dessins d'enfants (No 524/527).
Azur Philatélie vous propose cette série de timbres de l'Allemagne occidentale (RFA) de l'année 1984 (No 1050/1052).
Azur Philatélie vous propose ce timbre de l'Allemagne occidentale (RFA) de l'année 1984 sur les sciences et techniques (No 1054).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1949 on celebrities (Nb 3/6).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1950 (Nb 7/8).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1952 (Nb 36).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1952 (Nb 37).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1953 on health (Nb 50).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1953 on various sciences (Nb 51).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1953 (Nb 56).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1954 on various sciences (Nb 73).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1954 on celebrities (Nb 76/79).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1955 on astronomy (Nb 80).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1955 on various sciences (Nb 88).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1956 (Nb 111/112).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1957 (Nb 140/141).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1957 (Nb 148/152).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1958 (Nb 164/165).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1958 on craft (Nb 168/171).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1959 (Nb 188/192).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1959 (Nb 188/192).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1959 (Nb BF1).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1961 (Nb 235/236).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1962 about insects (Nb 248/251).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1964 about monuments (Nb 322/328).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1970 (Nb 475/478).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1972 about summer olympics (Nb BF6).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of West Germany (FRG) of the year 1973 (Nb 603).