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Azur Philatélie offers you this set...
Azur Philatélie offers you this...
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Falkland of the year 1937 (Nb 86).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Falkland of the year 1937 (Nb 89).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Falkland of the year 1952 (Nb 113).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1971 (Nb 34/38).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1974 about celebrities (Nb 229/230).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1976 (Nb 244/247).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1977 about royalty (Nb 248/250).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1977 about telecommunication (Nb 251/253).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1979 (Nb 287/289).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1981 on royalty (Nb 324/326).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1981 on christmas (Nb 331/333).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1982 on royalty (Nb 111/114).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1982 on celebrities (Nb 344/347).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Falkland of the year 1982 about polar regions (Nb 367).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1983 about various historics themes (Nb 376/386).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1984 about environment (Nb 428/431).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1985 about birds (Nb 141/144).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1985 on royalty (Nb 145/148).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1985 about celebrities (Nb 149/152).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia of the year 1985 (Nb 153/155).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1985 on planes (Nb 436/439).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1985 about various sciences (Nb 448/451).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia and South Sandwich of the year 1986 on royalty (Nb 158/162).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia and South Sandwich of the year 1986 on royalty (Nb 163/165).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1986 on royalty (Nb 456/460).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1987 on military history (Nb 472/475).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1987 on sea animals (Nb 476/479).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1987 about mushrooms (Nb 480/483).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Falkland of the year 1987 on health (Nb 484/487).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps Of South Georgia and South Sandwich of the year 1988 (Nb 188/191).
The Falkland Islands are a group of islands located to the east of the southern tip of Argentina. These British islands are claimed by Argentina (hence also the name Malvinas).
Among the nearby dependencies, the islands of South Georgia and South Sandwich, further east than the Falkland Islands, are included in this secti...
The Falkland Islands are a group of islands located to the east of the southern tip of Argentina. These British islands are claimed by Argentina (hence also the name Malvinas).
Among the nearby dependencies, the islands of South Georgia and South Sandwich, further east than the Falkland Islands, are included in this section.
On the other hand, the dependencies of the Antarctic zone, Southern Shetland, Orkney and Graham Land are gathered in the British Antarctic (see this name).
The islands were attached to the British crown as early as 1771. This British colony issued its first stamps in 1878. Until 1944, the same stamps were in use in all dependencies.
The various dependencies then had special stamps, either separately or partially grouped (British Antarctic since 1962).
The stamps of the dependencies are markedwith
or the name corresponding to the dependency or dependencies such as "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands".
The stamps of the Falkland Islands and their dependencies include lots of thematic series, whether on the marine world or on the British crown.
The first block-sheet in 1974 is about the centenary of the birth of Sir Winston Churchill.