Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Aitutaki of the year 1986 on royalty (Nb 441).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Albania of the year 2004 (Nb 2707/2708).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Angola of the year 2000 (Nb 1462/1465).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Anguilla of the year 1977 (Nb 255/258).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Anguilla of the year 1978 (Nb 282/285).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Anguilla of the year 1980 about royalty (Nb 361/364).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of the year 1980 about royalty (Nb BF 33).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua of the year 1977 on royalty (Nb 467/471).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua of the year 1980 (Nb 586/587).
Azur Philatélie offers you this souvenir sheet of Antigua of the year 1980 on royalty (Nb BF50).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua of the year 1981 on royalty (Nb 620/622).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua and Barbuda of the year 1986 (Nb 916/918).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua and Barbuda of the year 1992 (Nb 1417/1420).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Antigua and Barbuda of the year 2007 (Nb 3843/3844).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Antigua and Barbuda of the year 2010 (Nb 4130).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Aruba (Netherlands Antilles) of the year 1987 on royalty (Nb 21).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 1986 on royalty (Nb 403/404).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 1990 on royalty (Nb 511/512).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 1996 on royalty (Nb 649/652).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 2002 on royalty (Nb 793/796).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 2002 on royalty (Nb 801/802).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 2006 on royalty (Nb 886/889).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Ascension of the year 2011 on royalty (Nb 1021/1026).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Aurigny (Alderney) of the year 2013 on royalty (Nb 472/477).
Azur Philatélie offers you this stamp of Aurigny (Alderney) of the year 2015 on royalty (Nb 539).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Australia of the year 2009 (Nb 3069/3070).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Bahamas of the year 1981 on royalty (Nb 478/479).
Azur Philatélie offers you this set of stamps of Bahamas of the year 1985 on royalty (Nb 580/581).