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Euro banknote memory - Theme History...
Azur Philatélie offers you this...
2 euro commémorative sur le thème '730 ans de la fondation de lUniversité de Coimbra' émis en 2020 par la Portugal
2 euro commémorative on the thème '75th anniversary of the United Nations' issued in 2020 by Portugal
2 euro commémorative on the thème 'Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union' issued in 2021 by Portugal
2 euro commémorative on the thème 'Portuguese Team participating in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2021' issued in 2021 by Portugal
2 euro commémorative on the theme '250th anniversary of the death of Giambattista Tiepolo' issued in 2020 by San Marino
2 euro commémorative on the thème '500th anniversary of the death of Raphael' issued in 2020 by San Marino
2 euro commémorative on the thème '450th anniversary of the birth of Caravaggio' issued in 2021 by San Marino
2 euro commémorative on the thème '550th anniversary of the birth of Albrecht Dürer' issued in 2021 by San Marino
2 euro commémorative on the thème '30th anniversary of the EU flag' issued in 2015 by Slovakia
2 euro commémorative on the thème '20th anniversary of Slovakias accession to OECD' issued in 2020 by Slovakia
2 euro commémorative on the thème 'The 100th anniversary of Alexander Dubcek' issued in 2021 by Slovakia
2 euro commémorative on the thème '100th anniversary of the first blood transfusion in Slovakia' issued in 2023 by Slovakia